Source code for

"""Implementaton of :class:`GMPYIntegerRing` class. """

from __future__ import print_function, division

from import IntegerRing
from import (
    GMPYInteger, SymPyInteger,
    gmpy_gcdex, gmpy_gcd, gmpy_lcm, gmpy_sqrt,

from sympy.polys.polyerrors import CoercionFailed
from sympy.utilities import public

[docs]class GMPYIntegerRing(IntegerRing): """Integer ring based on GMPY's ``mpz`` type. """ dtype = GMPYInteger zero = dtype(0) one = dtype(1) tp = type(one) alias = 'ZZ_gmpy' def __init__(self): """Allow instantiation of this domain. """ def to_sympy(self, a): """Convert ``a`` to a SymPy object. """ return SymPyInteger(int(a)) def from_sympy(self, a): """Convert SymPy's Integer to ``dtype``. """ if a.is_Integer: return GMPYInteger(a.p) elif a.is_Float and int(a) == a: return GMPYInteger(int(a)) else: raise CoercionFailed("expected an integer, got %s" % a) def from_FF_python(K1, a, K0): """Convert ``ModularInteger(int)`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ return GMPYInteger(a.to_int()) def from_ZZ_python(K1, a, K0): """Convert Python's ``int`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ return GMPYInteger(a) def from_QQ_python(K1, a, K0): """Convert Python's ``Fraction`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ if a.denominator == 1: return GMPYInteger(a.numerator) def from_FF_gmpy(K1, a, K0): """Convert ``ModularInteger(mpz)`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ return a.to_int() def from_ZZ_gmpy(K1, a, K0): """Convert GMPY's ``mpz`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ return a def from_QQ_gmpy(K1, a, K0): """Convert GMPY ``mpq`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ if a.denominator == 1: return a.numerator def from_RealField(K1, a, K0): """Convert mpmath's ``mpf`` to GMPY's ``mpz``. """ p, q = K0.to_rational(a) if q == 1: return GMPYInteger(p) def gcdex(self, a, b): """Compute extended GCD of ``a`` and ``b``. """ h, s, t = gmpy_gcdex(a, b) return s, t, h def gcd(self, a, b): """Compute GCD of ``a`` and ``b``. """ return gmpy_gcd(a, b) def lcm(self, a, b): """Compute LCM of ``a`` and ``b``. """ return gmpy_lcm(a, b) def sqrt(self, a): """Compute square root of ``a``. """ return gmpy_sqrt(a) def factorial(self, a): """Compute factorial of ``a``. """ return gmpy_factorial(a)