Source code for sympy.stats.crv_types

Continuous Random Variables - Prebuilt variables


from __future__ import print_function, division

from sympy import (log, sqrt, pi, S, Dummy, Interval, sympify, gamma,
                   Piecewise, And, Eq, binomial, factorial, Sum, floor, Abs,
                   Lambda, Basic)
from sympy import beta as beta_fn
from sympy import cos, exp, besseli
from sympy.stats.crv import (SingleContinuousPSpace, SingleContinuousDistribution,
from sympy.stats.rv import _value_check
import random

oo = S.Infinity

__all__ = ['ContinuousRV',

[docs]def ContinuousRV(symbol, density, set=Interval(-oo, oo)): """ Create a Continuous Random Variable given the following: -- a symbol -- a probability density function -- set on which the pdf is valid (defaults to entire real line) Returns a RandomSymbol. Many common continuous random variable types are already implemented. This function should be necessary only very rarely. Examples ======== >>> from sympy import Symbol, sqrt, exp, pi >>> from sympy.stats import ContinuousRV, P, E >>> x = Symbol("x") >>> pdf = sqrt(2)*exp(-x**2/2)/(2*sqrt(pi)) # Normal distribution >>> X = ContinuousRV(x, pdf) >>> E(X) 0 >>> P(X>0) 1/2 """ pdf = Lambda(symbol, density) dist = ContinuousDistributionHandmade(pdf, set) return SingleContinuousPSpace(symbol, dist).value
def rv(symbol, cls, args): args = list(map(sympify, args)) dist = cls(*args) dist.check(*args) return SingleContinuousPSpace(symbol, dist).value ######################################## # Continuous Probability Distributions # ######################################## #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Arcsin distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- class ArcsinDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 'b') def pdf(self, x): return 1/(pi*sqrt((x - self.a)*(self.b - x)))
[docs]def Arcsin(name, a=0, b=1): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with an arcsin distribution. The density of the arcsin distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{\pi\sqrt{(x-a)(b-x)}} with :math:`x \in [a,b]`. It must hold that :math:`-\infty < a < b < \infty`. Parameters ========== a : Real number, the left interval boundary b : Real number, the right interval boundary Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Arcsin, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> a = Symbol("a", real=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", real=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Arcsin("x", a, b) >>> density(X)(z) 1/(pi*sqrt((-a + z)*(b - z))) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, ArcsinDistribution, (a, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Benini distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- class BeniniDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('alpha', 'beta', 'sigma') @property def set(self): return Interval(self.sigma, oo) def pdf(self, x): alpha, beta, sigma = self.alpha, self.beta, self.sigma return (exp(-alpha*log(x/sigma) - beta*log(x/sigma)**2) *(alpha/x + 2*beta*log(x/sigma)/x))
[docs]def Benini(name, alpha, beta, sigma): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a Benini distribution. The density of the Benini distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := e^{-\alpha\log{\frac{x}{\sigma}} -\beta\log^2\left[{\frac{x}{\sigma}}\right]} \left(\frac{\alpha}{x}+\frac{2\beta\log{\frac{x}{\sigma}}}{x}\right) This is a heavy-tailed distrubtion and is also known as the log-Rayleigh distribution. Parameters ========== alpha : Real number, `\alpha > 0`, a shape beta : Real number, `\beta > 0`, a shape sigma : Real number, `\sigma > 0`, a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Benini, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> alpha = Symbol("alpha", positive=True) >>> beta = Symbol("beta", positive=True) >>> sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Benini("x", alpha, beta, sigma) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) / / z \\ / z \ 2/ z \ | 2*beta*log|-----|| - alpha*log|-----| - beta*log |-----| |alpha \sigma/| \sigma/ \sigma/ |----- + -----------------|*e \ z z / References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, BeniniDistribution, (alpha, beta, sigma))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Beta distribution ------------------------------------------------------------ class BetaDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('alpha', 'beta') set = Interval(0, 1) @staticmethod def check(alpha, beta): _value_check(alpha > 0, "Alpha must be positive") _value_check(beta > 0, "Beta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): alpha, beta = self.alpha, self.beta return x**(alpha - 1) * (1 - x)**(beta - 1) / beta_fn(alpha, beta) def sample(self): return random.betavariate(self.alpha, self.beta)
[docs]def Beta(name, alpha, beta): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a Beta distribution. The density of the Beta distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{x^{\alpha-1}(1-x)^{\beta-1}} {\mathrm{B}(\alpha,\beta)} with :math:`x \in [0,1]`. Parameters ========== alpha : Real number, `\alpha > 0`, a shape beta : Real number, `\beta > 0`, a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Beta, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint, expand_func >>> alpha = Symbol("alpha", positive=True) >>> beta = Symbol("beta", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Beta("x", alpha, beta) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) alpha - 1 beta - 1 z *(-z + 1) --------------------------- beta(alpha, beta) >>> expand_func(simplify(E(X, meijerg=True))) alpha/(alpha + beta) >>> simplify(variance(X, meijerg=True)) #doctest: +SKIP alpha*beta/((alpha + beta)**2*(alpha + beta + 1)) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, BetaDistribution, (alpha, beta))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Beta prime distribution ------------------------------------------------------ class BetaPrimeDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('alpha', 'beta') set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): alpha, beta = self.alpha, self.beta return x**(alpha - 1)*(1 + x)**(-alpha - beta)/beta_fn(alpha, beta)
[docs]def BetaPrime(name, alpha, beta): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Beta prime distribution. The density of the Beta prime distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{x^{\alpha-1} (1+x)^{-\alpha -\beta}}{B(\alpha,\beta)} with :math:`x > 0`. Parameters ========== alpha : Real number, `\alpha > 0`, a shape beta : Real number, `\beta > 0`, a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import BetaPrime, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint >>> alpha = Symbol("alpha", positive=True) >>> beta = Symbol("beta", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = BetaPrime("x", alpha, beta) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) alpha - 1 -alpha - beta z *(z + 1) ------------------------------- beta(alpha, beta) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, BetaPrimeDistribution, (alpha, beta))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cauchy distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- class CauchyDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('x0', 'gamma') def pdf(self, x): return 1/(pi*self.gamma*(1 + ((x - self.x0)/self.gamma)**2))
[docs]def Cauchy(name, x0, gamma): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Cauchy distribution. The density of the Cauchy distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{\pi} \arctan\left(\frac{x-x_0}{\gamma}\right) +\frac{1}{2} Parameters ========== x0 : Real number, the location gamma : Real number, `\gamma > 0`, the scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Cauchy, density >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> x0 = Symbol("x0") >>> gamma = Symbol("gamma", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Cauchy("x", x0, gamma) >>> density(X)(z) 1/(pi*gamma*(1 + (-x0 + z)**2/gamma**2)) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, CauchyDistribution, (x0, gamma))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Chi distribution ------------------------------------------------------------- class ChiDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('k',) set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): return 2**(1 - self.k/2)*x**(self.k - 1)*exp(-x**2/2)/gamma(self.k/2)
[docs]def Chi(name, k): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Chi distribution. The density of the Chi distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{2^{1-k/2}x^{k-1}e^{-x^2/2}}{\Gamma(k/2)} with :math:`x \geq 0`. Parameters ========== k : A positive Integer, `k > 0`, the number of degrees of freedom Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Chi, density, E, std >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> k = Symbol("k", integer=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Chi("x", k) >>> density(X)(z) 2**(-k/2 + 1)*z**(k - 1)*exp(-z**2/2)/gamma(k/2) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, ChiDistribution, (k,))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-central Chi distribution ------------------------------------------------- class ChiNoncentralDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('k', 'l') set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): k, l = self.k, self.l return exp(-(x**2+l**2)/2)*x**k*l / (l*x)**(k/2) * besseli(k/2-1, l*x)
[docs]def ChiNoncentral(name, k, l): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a non-central Chi distribution. The density of the non-central Chi distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{e^{-(x^2+\lambda^2)/2} x^k\lambda} {(\lambda x)^{k/2}} I_{k/2-1}(\lambda x) with `x \geq 0`. Here, `I_\nu (x)` is the :ref:`modified Bessel function of the first kind <besseli>`. Parameters ========== k : A positive Integer, `k > 0`, the number of degrees of freedom l : Shift parameter Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import ChiNoncentral, density, E, std >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> k = Symbol("k", integer=True) >>> l = Symbol("l") >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = ChiNoncentral("x", k, l) >>> density(X)(z) l*z**k*(l*z)**(-k/2)*exp(-l**2/2 - z**2/2)*besseli(k/2 - 1, l*z) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, ChiNoncentralDistribution, (k, l))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Chi squared distribution ----------------------------------------------------- class ChiSquaredDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('k',) set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): k = self.k return 1/(2**(k/2)*gamma(k/2))*x**(k/2 - 1)*exp(-x/2)
[docs]def ChiSquared(name, k): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Chi-squared distribution. The density of the Chi-squared distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{2^{\frac{k}{2}}\Gamma\left(\frac{k}{2}\right)} x^{\frac{k}{2}-1} e^{-\frac{x}{2}} with :math:`x \geq 0`. Parameters ========== k : A positive Integer, `k > 0`, the number of degrees of freedom Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import ChiSquared, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, combsimp, expand_func >>> k = Symbol("k", integer=True, positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = ChiSquared("x", k) >>> density(X)(z) 2**(-k/2)*z**(k/2 - 1)*exp(-z/2)/gamma(k/2) >>> combsimp(E(X)) k >>> simplify(expand_func(variance(X))) 2*k References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, ChiSquaredDistribution, (k, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dagum distribution ----------------------------------------------------------- class DagumDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('p', 'a', 'b') def pdf(self, x): p, a, b = self.p, self.a, self.b return a*p/x*((x/b)**(a*p)/(((x/b)**a + 1)**(p + 1)))
[docs]def Dagum(name, p, a, b): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Dagum distribution. The density of the Dagum distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{a p}{x} \left( \frac{\left(\tfrac{x}{b}\right)^{a p}} {\left(\left(\tfrac{x}{b}\right)^a + 1 \right)^{p+1}} \right) with :math:`x > 0`. Parameters ========== p : Real number, `p > 0`, a shape a : Real number, `a > 0`, a shape b : Real number, `b > 0`, a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Dagum, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> p = Symbol("p", positive=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> a = Symbol("a", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Dagum("x", p, a, b) >>> density(X)(z) a*p*(z/b)**(a*p)*((z/b)**a + 1)**(-p - 1)/z References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, DagumDistribution, (p, a, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Erlang distribution ----------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def Erlang(name, k, l): r""" Create a continuous random variable with an Erlang distribution. The density of the Erlang distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\lambda^k x^{k-1} e^{-\lambda x}}{(k-1)!} with :math:`x \in [0,\infty]`. Parameters ========== k : Integer l : Real number, `\lambda > 0`, the rate Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Erlang, density, cdf, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> k = Symbol("k", integer=True, positive=True) >>> l = Symbol("l", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Erlang("x", k, l) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) k k - 1 -l*z l *z *e --------------- gamma(k) >>> C = cdf(X, meijerg=True)(z) >>> pprint(C, use_unicode=False) / -2*I*pi*k -2*I*pi*k | k*e *lowergamma(k, 0) k*e *lowergamma(k, l*z) |- ----------------------------- + ------------------------------- for z >= 0 < gamma(k + 1) gamma(k + 1) | | 0 otherwise \ >>> simplify(E(X)) k/l >>> simplify(variance(X)) k/l**2 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, GammaDistribution, (k, 1/l))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Exponential distribution ----------------------------------------------------- class ExponentialDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('rate',) set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(rate): _value_check(rate > 0, "Rate must be positive.") def pdf(self, x): return self.rate * exp(-self.rate*x) def sample(self): return random.expovariate(self.rate)
[docs]def Exponential(name, rate): r""" Create a continuous random variable with an Exponential distribution. The density of the exponential distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \lambda \exp(-\lambda x) with `x > 0`. Note that the expected value is `1/\lambda`. Parameters ========== rate : A positive Real number, `\lambda > 0`, the rate (or inverse scale/inverse mean) Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Exponential, density, cdf, E >>> from sympy.stats import variance, std, skewness >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> l = Symbol("lambda", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Exponential("x", l) >>> density(X)(z) lambda*exp(-lambda*z) >>> cdf(X)(z) Piecewise((1 - exp(-lambda*z), z >= 0), (0, True)) >>> E(X) 1/lambda >>> variance(X) lambda**(-2) >>> skewness(X) 2 >>> X = Exponential('x', 10) >>> density(X)(z) 10*exp(-10*z) >>> E(X) 1/10 >>> std(X) 1/10 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, ExponentialDistribution, (rate, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # F distribution --------------------------------------------------------------- class FDistributionDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('d1', 'd2') set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): d1, d2 = self.d1, self.d2 return (sqrt((d1*x)**d1*d2**d2 / (d1*x+d2)**(d1+d2)) / (x * beta_fn(d1/2, d2/2)))
[docs]def FDistribution(name, d1, d2): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a F distribution. The density of the F distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\sqrt{\frac{(d_1 x)^{d_1} d_2^{d_2}} {(d_1 x + d_2)^{d_1 + d_2}}}} {x \mathrm{B} \left(\frac{d_1}{2}, \frac{d_2}{2}\right)} with :math:`x > 0`. .. TODO - What do these parameters mean? Parameters ========== d1 : `d_1 > 0` a parameter d2 : `d_2 > 0` a parameter Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import FDistribution, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> d1 = Symbol("d1", positive=True) >>> d2 = Symbol("d2", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = FDistribution("x", d1, d2) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) d2 -- ______________________________ 2 / d1 -d1 - d2 d2 *\/ (d1*z) *(d1*z + d2) -------------------------------------- /d1 d2\ z*beta|--, --| \2 2 / References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, FDistributionDistribution, (d1, d2))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fisher Z distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class FisherZDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('d1', 'd2') def pdf(self, x): d1, d2 = self.d1, self.d2 return (2*d1**(d1/2)*d2**(d2/2) / beta_fn(d1/2, d2/2) * exp(d1*x) / (d1*exp(2*x)+d2)**((d1+d2)/2))
[docs]def FisherZ(name, d1, d2): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with an Fisher's Z distribution. The density of the Fisher's Z distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{2d_1^{d_1/2} d_2^{d_2/2}} {\mathrm{B}(d_1/2, d_2/2)} \frac{e^{d_1z}}{\left(d_1e^{2z}+d_2\right)^{\left(d_1+d_2\right)/2}} .. TODO - What is the difference between these degrees of freedom? Parameters ========== d1 : `d_1 > 0`, degree of freedom d2 : `d_2 > 0`, degree of freedom Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import FisherZ, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> d1 = Symbol("d1", positive=True) >>> d2 = Symbol("d2", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = FisherZ("x", d1, d2) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) d1 d2 d1 d2 - -- - -- -- -- 2 2 2 2 / 2*z \ d1*z 2*d1 *d2 *\d1*e + d2/ *e ----------------------------------------- /d1 d2\ beta|--, --| \2 2 / References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, FisherZDistribution, (d1, d2))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Frechet distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class FrechetDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 's', 'm') set = Interval(0, oo) def __new__(cls, a, s=1, m=0): a, s, m = list(map(sympify, (a, s, m))) return Basic.__new__(cls, a, s, m) def pdf(self, x): a, s, m = self.a, self.s, self.m return a/s * ((x-m)/s)**(-1-a) * exp(-((x-m)/s)**(-a))
[docs]def Frechet(name, a, s=1, m=0): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Frechet distribution. The density of the Frechet distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\alpha}{s} \left(\frac{x-m}{s}\right)^{-1-\alpha} e^{-(\frac{x-m}{s})^{-\alpha}} with :math:`x \geq m`. Parameters ========== a : Real number, :math:`a \in \left(0, \infty\right)` the shape s : Real number, :math:`s \in \left(0, \infty\right)` the scale m : Real number, :math:`m \in \left(-\infty, \infty\right)` the minimum Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Frechet, density, E, std >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> a = Symbol("a", positive=True) >>> s = Symbol("s", positive=True) >>> m = Symbol("m", real=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Frechet("x", a, s, m) >>> density(X)(z) a*((-m + z)/s)**(-a - 1)*exp(-((-m + z)/s)**(-a))/s References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, FrechetDistribution, (a, s, m))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gamma distribution ----------------------------------------------------------- class GammaDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('k', 'theta') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(k, theta): _value_check(k > 0, "k must be positive") _value_check(theta > 0, "Theta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): k, theta = self.k, self.theta return x**(k - 1) * exp(-x/theta) / (gamma(k)*theta**k) def sample(self): return random.gammavariate(self.k, self.theta)
[docs]def Gamma(name, k, theta): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Gamma distribution. The density of the Gamma distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{\Gamma(k) \theta^k} x^{k - 1} e^{-\frac{x}{\theta}} with :math:`x \in [0,1]`. Parameters ========== k : Real number, `k > 0`, a shape theta : Real number, `\theta > 0`, a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Gamma, density, cdf, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint, simplify >>> k = Symbol("k", positive=True) >>> theta = Symbol("theta", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Gamma("x", k, theta) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) -z ----- -k k - 1 theta theta *z *e --------------------- gamma(k) >>> C = cdf(X, meijerg=True)(z) >>> pprint(C, use_unicode=False) / / z \ | k*lowergamma|k, -----| | k*lowergamma(k, 0) \ theta/ <- ------------------ + ---------------------- for z >= 0 | gamma(k + 1) gamma(k + 1) | \ 0 otherwise >>> E(X) theta*gamma(k + 1)/gamma(k) >>> V = simplify(variance(X)) >>> pprint(V, use_unicode=False) 2 k*theta References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, GammaDistribution, (k, theta))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inverse Gamma distribution --------------------------------------------------- class GammaInverseDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 'b') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(a, b): _value_check(a > 0, "alpha must be positive") _value_check(b > 0, "beta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): a, b = self.a, self.b return b**a/gamma(a) * x**(-a-1) * exp(-b/x)
[docs]def GammaInverse(name, a, b): r""" Create a continuous random variable with an inverse Gamma distribution. The density of the inverse Gamma distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\beta^\alpha}{\Gamma(\alpha)} x^{-\alpha - 1} \exp\left(\frac{-\beta}{x}\right) with :math:`x > 0`. Parameters ========== a : Real number, `a > 0` a shape b : Real number, `b > 0` a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import GammaInverse, density, cdf, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint >>> a = Symbol("a", positive=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = GammaInverse("x", a, b) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) -b --- a -a - 1 z b *z *e --------------- gamma(a) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, GammaInverseDistribution, (a, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gompertz distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class GompertzDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('b', 'eta') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(b, eta): _value_check(b > 0, "b must be positive") _value_check(eta > 0, "eta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): eta, b = self.eta, self.b return b*eta*exp(b*x)*exp(eta)*exp(-eta*exp(b*x)) def Gompertz(name, b, eta): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with Gompertz distribution. The density of the Gompertz distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := b \eta e^{b x} e^{\eta} \exp \left(-\eta e^{bx} \right) with :math: 'x \in [0, \inf)'. Parameters ========== b: Real number, 'b > 0' a scale eta: Real number, 'eta > 0' a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Gompertz, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> eta = Symbol("eta", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Gompertz("x", b, eta) >>> density(X)(z) b*eta*exp(eta)*exp(b*z)*exp(-eta*exp(b*z)) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, GompertzDistribution, (b, eta)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Kumaraswamy distribution ----------------------------------------------------- class KumaraswamyDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 'b') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(a, b): _value_check(a > 0, "a must be positive") _value_check(b > 0, "b must be positive") def pdf(self, x): a, b = self.a, self.b return a * b * x**(a-1) * (1-x**a)**(b-1)
[docs]def Kumaraswamy(name, a, b): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a Kumaraswamy distribution. The density of the Kumaraswamy distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := a b x^{a-1} (1-x^a)^{b-1} with :math:`x \in [0,1]`. Parameters ========== a : Real number, `a > 0` a shape b : Real number, `b > 0` a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Kumaraswamy, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> a = Symbol("a", positive=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Kumaraswamy("x", a, b) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) b - 1 a - 1 / a \ a*b*z *\- z + 1/ References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, KumaraswamyDistribution, (a, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Laplace distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class LaplaceDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mu', 'b') def pdf(self, x): mu, b =, self.b return 1/(2*b)*exp(-Abs(x - mu)/b)
[docs]def Laplace(name, mu, b): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Laplace distribution. The density of the Laplace distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{2 b} \exp \left(-\frac{|x-\mu|}b \right) Parameters ========== mu : Real number, the location (mean) b : Real number, `b > 0`, a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Laplace, density >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> mu = Symbol("mu") >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Laplace("x", mu, b) >>> density(X)(z) exp(-Abs(mu - z)/b)/(2*b) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, LaplaceDistribution, (mu, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logistic distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class LogisticDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mu', 's') def pdf(self, x): mu, s =, self.s return exp(-(x - mu)/s)/(s*(1 + exp(-(x - mu)/s))**2)
[docs]def Logistic(name, mu, s): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a logistic distribution. The density of the logistic distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{e^{-(x-\mu)/s}} {s\left(1+e^{-(x-\mu)/s}\right)^2} Parameters ========== mu : Real number, the location (mean) s : Real number, `s > 0` a scale Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Logistic, density >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> mu = Symbol("mu", real=True) >>> s = Symbol("s", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Logistic("x", mu, s) >>> density(X)(z) exp((mu - z)/s)/(s*(exp((mu - z)/s) + 1)**2) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, LogisticDistribution, (mu, s))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Log Normal distribution ------------------------------------------------------ class LogNormalDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mean', 'std') set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): mean, std = self.mean, self.std return exp(-(log(x) - mean)**2 / (2*std**2)) / (x*sqrt(2*pi)*std) def sample(self): return random.lognormvariate(self.mean, self.std)
[docs]def LogNormal(name, mean, std): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a log-normal distribution. The density of the log-normal distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{x\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} e^{-\frac{\left(\ln x-\mu\right)^2}{2\sigma^2}} with :math:`x \geq 0`. Parameters ========== mu : Real number, the log-scale sigma : Real number, :math:`\sigma^2 > 0` a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import LogNormal, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> mu = Symbol("mu", real=True) >>> sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = LogNormal("x", mu, sigma) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) 2 -(-mu + log(z)) ----------------- 2 ___ 2*sigma \/ 2 *e ------------------------ ____ 2*\/ pi *sigma*z >>> X = LogNormal('x', 0, 1) # Mean 0, standard deviation 1 >>> density(X)(z) sqrt(2)*exp(-log(z)**2/2)/(2*sqrt(pi)*z) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, LogNormalDistribution, (mean, std))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maxwell distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class MaxwellDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a',) set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): a = self.a return sqrt(2/pi)*x**2*exp(-x**2/(2*a**2))/a**3
[docs]def Maxwell(name, a): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Maxwell distribution. The density of the Maxwell distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} \frac{x^2 e^{-x^2/(2a^2)}}{a^3} with :math:`x \geq 0`. .. TODO - what does the parameter mean? Parameters ========== a : Real number, `a > 0` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Maxwell, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> a = Symbol("a", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Maxwell("x", a) >>> density(X)(z) sqrt(2)*z**2*exp(-z**2/(2*a**2))/(sqrt(pi)*a**3) >>> E(X) 2*sqrt(2)*a/sqrt(pi) >>> simplify(variance(X)) a**2*(-8 + 3*pi)/pi References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, MaxwellDistribution, (a, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Nakagami distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class NakagamiDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mu', 'omega') set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): mu, omega =, return 2*mu**mu/(gamma(mu)*omega**mu)*x**(2*mu - 1)*exp(-mu/omega*x**2)
[docs]def Nakagami(name, mu, omega): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Nakagami distribution. The density of the Nakagami distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{2\mu^\mu}{\Gamma(\mu)\omega^\mu} x^{2\mu-1} \exp\left(-\frac{\mu}{\omega}x^2 \right) with :math:`x > 0`. Parameters ========== mu : Real number, `\mu \geq \frac{1}{2}` a shape omega : Real number, `\omega > 0`, the spread Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Nakagami, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> mu = Symbol("mu", positive=True) >>> omega = Symbol("omega", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Nakagami("x", mu, omega) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) 2 -mu*z ------- mu -mu 2*mu - 1 omega 2*mu *omega *z *e ---------------------------------- gamma(mu) >>> simplify(E(X, meijerg=True)) sqrt(mu)*sqrt(omega)*gamma(mu + 1/2)/gamma(mu + 1) >>> V = simplify(variance(X, meijerg=True)) >>> pprint(V, use_unicode=False) 2 omega*gamma (mu + 1/2) omega - ----------------------- gamma(mu)*gamma(mu + 1) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, NakagamiDistribution, (mu, omega))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Normal distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- class NormalDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mean', 'std') @staticmethod def check(mean, std): _value_check(std > 0, "Standard deviation must be positive") def pdf(self, x): return exp(-(x - self.mean)**2 / (2*self.std**2)) / (sqrt(2*pi)*self.std) def sample(self): return random.normalvariate(self.mean, self.std)
[docs]def Normal(name, mean, std): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Normal distribution. The density of the Normal distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{ -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} } Parameters ========== mu : Real number, the mean sigma : Real number, :math:`\sigma^2 > 0` the variance Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Normal, density, E, std, cdf, skewness >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint, factor, together, factor_terms >>> mu = Symbol("mu") >>> sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Normal("x", mu, sigma) >>> density(X)(z) sqrt(2)*exp(-(-mu + z)**2/(2*sigma**2))/(2*sqrt(pi)*sigma) >>> C = simplify(cdf(X))(z) # it needs a little more help... >>> pprint(C, use_unicode=False) / ___ \ |\/ 2 *(-mu + z)| erf|---------------| \ 2*sigma / 1 -------------------- + - 2 2 >>> simplify(skewness(X)) 0 >>> X = Normal("x", 0, 1) # Mean 0, standard deviation 1 >>> density(X)(z) sqrt(2)*exp(-z**2/2)/(2*sqrt(pi)) >>> E(2*X + 1) 1 >>> simplify(std(2*X + 1)) 2 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, NormalDistribution, (mean, std))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pareto distribution ---------------------------------------------------------- class ParetoDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('xm', 'alpha') @property def set(self): return Interval(self.xm, oo) @staticmethod def check(xm, alpha): _value_check(xm > 0, "Xm must be positive") _value_check(alpha > 0, "Alpha must be positive") def pdf(self, x): xm, alpha = self.xm, self.alpha return alpha * xm**alpha / x**(alpha + 1) def sample(self): return random.paretovariate(self.alpha)
[docs]def Pareto(name, xm, alpha): r""" Create a continuous random variable with the Pareto distribution. The density of the Pareto distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\alpha\,x_m^\alpha}{x^{\alpha+1}} with :math:`x \in [x_m,\infty]`. Parameters ========== xm : Real number, `x_m > 0`, a scale alpha : Real number, `\alpha > 0`, a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Pareto, density >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> xm = Symbol("xm", positive=True) >>> beta = Symbol("beta", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Pareto("x", xm, beta) >>> density(X)(z) beta*xm**beta*z**(-beta - 1) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, ParetoDistribution, (xm, alpha))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # QuadraticU distribution ------------------------------------------------------ class QuadraticUDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 'b') @property def set(self): return Interval(self.a, self.b) def pdf(self, x): a, b = self.a, self.b alpha = 12 / (b-a)**3 beta = (a+b) / 2 return Piecewise( (alpha * (x-beta)**2, And(a<=x, x<=b)), (S.Zero, True))
[docs]def QuadraticU(name, a, b): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a U-quadratic distribution. The density of the U-quadratic distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \alpha (x-\beta)^2 with :math:`x \in [a,b]`. Parameters ========== a : Real number b : Real number, :math:`a < b` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import QuadraticU, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, factor, pprint >>> a = Symbol("a", real=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", real=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = QuadraticU("x", a, b) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) / 2 | / a b \ |12*|- - - - + z| | \ 2 2 / <----------------- for And(a <= z, z <= b) | 3 | (-a + b) | \ 0 otherwise References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, QuadraticUDistribution, (a, b))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RaisedCosine distribution ---------------------------------------------------- class RaisedCosineDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mu', 's') @property def set(self): return Interval( - self.s, + self.s) @staticmethod def check(mu, s): _value_check(s > 0, "s must be positive") def pdf(self, x): mu, s =, self.s return Piecewise( ((1+cos(pi*(x-mu)/s)) / (2*s), And(mu-s<=x, x<=mu+s)), (S.Zero, True))
[docs]def RaisedCosine(name, mu, s): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a raised cosine distribution. The density of the raised cosine distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{1}{2s}\left(1+\cos\left(\frac{x-\mu}{s}\pi\right)\right) with :math:`x \in [\mu-s,\mu+s]`. Parameters ========== mu : Real number s : Real number, `s > 0` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import RaisedCosine, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> mu = Symbol("mu", real=True) >>> s = Symbol("s", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = RaisedCosine("x", mu, s) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) / /pi*(-mu + z)\ |cos|------------| + 1 | \ s / <--------------------- for And(z <= mu + s, mu - s <= z) | 2*s | \ 0 otherwise References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, RaisedCosineDistribution, (mu, s))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rayleigh distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class RayleighDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('sigma',) set = Interval(0, oo) def pdf(self, x): sigma = self.sigma return x/sigma**2*exp(-x**2/(2*sigma**2))
[docs]def Rayleigh(name, sigma): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Rayleigh distribution. The density of the Rayleigh distribution is given by .. math :: f(x) := \frac{x}{\sigma^2} e^{-x^2/2\sigma^2} with :math:`x > 0`. Parameters ========== sigma : Real number, `\sigma > 0` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Rayleigh, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> sigma = Symbol("sigma", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Rayleigh("x", sigma) >>> density(X)(z) z*exp(-z**2/(2*sigma**2))/sigma**2 >>> E(X) sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*sigma/2 >>> variance(X) -pi*sigma**2/2 + 2*sigma**2 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, RayleighDistribution, (sigma, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shifted Gompertz distribution ------------------------------------------------ class ShiftedGompertzDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('b', 'eta') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(b, eta): _value_check(b > 0, "b must be positive") _value_check(eta > 0, "eta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): b, eta = self.b, self.eta return b*exp(-b*x)*exp(-eta*exp(-b*x))*(1+eta*(1-exp(-b*x))) def ShiftedGompertz(name, b, eta): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Shifted Gompertz distribution. The density of the Shifted Gompertz distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := b e^{-b x} e^{-\eta \exp(-b x)} \left[1 + \eta(1 - e^(-bx)) \right] with :math: 'x \in [0, \inf)'. Parameters ========== b: Real number, 'b > 0' a scale eta: Real number, 'eta > 0' a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import ShiftedGompertz, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> eta = Symbol("eta", positive=True) >>> x = Symbol("x") >>> X = ShiftedGompertz("x", b, eta) >>> density(X)(x) b*(eta*(1 - exp(-b*x)) + 1)*exp(-b*x)*exp(-eta*exp(-b*x)) References ========== .. [1] """ return rv(name, ShiftedGompertzDistribution, (b, eta)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # StudentT distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class StudentTDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('nu',) def pdf(self, x): nu = return 1/(sqrt(nu)*beta_fn(S(1)/2, nu/2))*(1 + x**2/nu)**(-(nu + 1)/2)
[docs]def StudentT(name, nu): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a student's t distribution. The density of the student's t distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{\Gamma \left(\frac{\nu+1}{2} \right)} {\sqrt{\nu\pi}\Gamma \left(\frac{\nu}{2} \right)} \left(1+\frac{x^2}{\nu} \right)^{-\frac{\nu+1}{2}} Parameters ========== nu : Real number, `\nu > 0`, the degrees of freedom Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import StudentT, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> nu = Symbol("nu", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = StudentT("x", nu) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) nu 1 - -- - - 2 2 / 2\ | z | |1 + --| \ nu/ -------------------- ____ / nu\ \/ nu *beta|1/2, --| \ 2 / References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, StudentTDistribution, (nu, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Triangular distribution ------------------------------------------------------ class TriangularDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('a', 'b', 'c') def pdf(self, x): a, b, c = self.a, self.b, self.c return Piecewise( (2*(x - a)/((b - a)*(c - a)), And(a <= x, x < c)), (2/(b - a), Eq(x, c)), (2*(b - x)/((b - a)*(b - c)), And(c < x, x <= b)), (S.Zero, True))
[docs]def Triangular(name, a, b, c): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a triangular distribution. The density of the triangular distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \begin{cases} 0 & \mathrm{for\ } x < a, \\ \frac{2(x-a)}{(b-a)(c-a)} & \mathrm{for\ } a \le x < c, \\ \frac{2}{b-a} & \mathrm{for\ } x = c, \\ \frac{2(b-x)}{(b-a)(b-c)} & \mathrm{for\ } c < x \le b, \\ 0 & \mathrm{for\ } b < x. \end{cases} Parameters ========== a : Real number, :math:`a \in \left(-\infty, \infty\right)` b : Real number, :math:`a < b` c : Real number, :math:`a \leq c \leq b` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Triangular, density, E >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint >>> a = Symbol("a") >>> b = Symbol("b") >>> c = Symbol("c") >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Triangular("x", a,b,c) >>> pprint(density(X)(z), use_unicode=False) / -2*a + 2*z |----------------- for And(a <= z, z < c) |(-a + b)*(-a + c) | | 2 | ------ for z = c < -a + b | | 2*b - 2*z |---------------- for And(z <= b, c < z) |(-a + b)*(b - c) | \ 0 otherwise References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, TriangularDistribution, (a, b, c))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uniform distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class UniformDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('left', 'right') def pdf(self, x): left, right = self.left, self.right return Piecewise( (S.One/(right - left), And(left <= x, x <= right)), (S.Zero, True)) def compute_cdf(self, **kwargs): from sympy import Lambda, Min z = Dummy('z', real=True, finite=True) result = SingleContinuousDistribution.compute_cdf(self, **kwargs)(z) reps = { Min(z, self.right): z, Min(z, self.left, self.right): self.left, Min(z, self.left): self.left} result = result.subs(reps) return Lambda(z, result) def expectation(self, expr, var, **kwargs): from sympy import Max, Min kwargs['evaluate'] = True result = SingleContinuousDistribution.expectation(self, expr, var, **kwargs) result = result.subs({Max(self.left, self.right): self.right, Min(self.left, self.right): self.left}) return result def sample(self): return random.uniform(self.left, self.right)
[docs]def Uniform(name, left, right): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a uniform distribution. The density of the uniform distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \begin{cases} \frac{1}{b - a} & \text{for } x \in [a,b] \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} with :math:`x \in [a,b]`. Parameters ========== a : Real number, :math:`-\infty < a` the left boundary b : Real number, :math:`a < b < \infty` the right boundary Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Uniform, density, cdf, E, variance, skewness >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> a = Symbol("a", negative=True) >>> b = Symbol("b", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Uniform("x", a, b) >>> density(X)(z) Piecewise((1/(-a + b), And(a <= z, z <= b)), (0, True)) >>> cdf(X)(z) # doctest: +SKIP -a/(-a + b) + z/(-a + b) >>> simplify(E(X)) a/2 + b/2 >>> simplify(variance(X)) a**2/12 - a*b/6 + b**2/12 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, UniformDistribution, (left, right))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # UniformSum distribution ------------------------------------------------------ class UniformSumDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('n',) @property def set(self): return Interval(0, self.n) def pdf(self, x): n = self.n k = Dummy("k") return 1/factorial( n - 1)*Sum((-1)**k*binomial(n, k)*(x - k)**(n - 1), (k, 0, floor(x)))
[docs]def UniformSum(name, n): r""" Create a continuous random variable with an Irwin-Hall distribution. The probability distribution function depends on a single parameter `n` which is an integer. The density of the Irwin-Hall distribution is given by .. math :: f(x) := \frac{1}{(n-1)!}\sum_{k=0}^{\lfloor x\rfloor}(-1)^k \binom{n}{k}(x-k)^{n-1} Parameters ========== n : A positive Integer, `n > 0` Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import UniformSum, density >>> from sympy import Symbol, pprint >>> n = Symbol("n", integer=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = UniformSum("x", n) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) floor(z) ___ \ ` \ k n - 1 /n\ ) (-1) *(-k + z) *| | / \k/ /__, k = 0 -------------------------------- (n - 1)! References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, UniformSumDistribution, (n, ))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VonMises distribution -------------------------------------------------------- class VonMisesDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('mu', 'k') set = Interval(0, 2*pi) @staticmethod def check(mu, k): _value_check(k > 0, "k must be positive") def pdf(self, x): mu, k =, self.k return exp(k*cos(x-mu)) / (2*pi*besseli(0, k))
[docs]def VonMises(name, mu, k): r""" Create a Continuous Random Variable with a von Mises distribution. The density of the von Mises distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac{e^{\kappa\cos(x-\mu)}}{2\pi I_0(\kappa)} with :math:`x \in [0,2\pi]`. Parameters ========== mu : Real number, measure of location k : Real number, measure of concentration Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import VonMises, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify, pprint >>> mu = Symbol("mu") >>> k = Symbol("k", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = VonMises("x", mu, k) >>> D = density(X)(z) >>> pprint(D, use_unicode=False) k*cos(mu - z) e ------------------ 2*pi*besseli(0, k) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, VonMisesDistribution, (mu, k))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Weibull distribution --------------------------------------------------------- class WeibullDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('alpha', 'beta') set = Interval(0, oo) @staticmethod def check(alpha, beta): _value_check(alpha > 0, "Alpha must be positive") _value_check(beta > 0, "Beta must be positive") def pdf(self, x): alpha, beta = self.alpha, self.beta return beta * (x/alpha)**(beta - 1) * exp(-(x/alpha)**beta) / alpha def sample(self): return random.weibullvariate(self.alpha, self.beta)
[docs]def Weibull(name, alpha, beta): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Weibull distribution. The density of the Weibull distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \begin{cases} \frac{k}{\lambda}\left(\frac{x}{\lambda}\right)^{k-1} e^{-(x/\lambda)^{k}} & x\geq0\\ 0 & x<0 \end{cases} Parameters ========== lambda : Real number, :math:`\lambda > 0` a scale k : Real number, `k > 0` a shape Returns ======= A RandomSymbol. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import Weibull, density, E, variance >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> l = Symbol("lambda", positive=True) >>> k = Symbol("k", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = Weibull("x", l, k) >>> density(X)(z) k*(z/lambda)**(k - 1)*exp(-(z/lambda)**k)/lambda >>> simplify(E(X)) lambda*gamma(1 + 1/k) >>> simplify(variance(X)) lambda**2*(-gamma(1 + 1/k)**2 + gamma(1 + 2/k)) References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, WeibullDistribution, (alpha, beta))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wigner semicircle distribution ----------------------------------------------- class WignerSemicircleDistribution(SingleContinuousDistribution): _argnames = ('R',) @property def set(self): return Interval(-self.R, self.R) def pdf(self, x): R = self.R return 2/(pi*R**2)*sqrt(R**2 - x**2)
[docs]def WignerSemicircle(name, R): r""" Create a continuous random variable with a Wigner semicircle distribution. The density of the Wigner semicircle distribution is given by .. math:: f(x) := \frac2{\pi R^2}\,\sqrt{R^2-x^2} with :math:`x \in [-R,R]`. Parameters ========== R : Real number, `R > 0`, the radius Returns ======= A `RandomSymbol`. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.stats import WignerSemicircle, density, E >>> from sympy import Symbol, simplify >>> R = Symbol("R", positive=True) >>> z = Symbol("z") >>> X = WignerSemicircle("x", R) >>> density(X)(z) 2*sqrt(R**2 - z**2)/(pi*R**2) >>> E(X) 0 References ========== .. [1] .. [2] """ return rv(name, WignerSemicircleDistribution, (R,))